The Association

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The Association

Message par David » 02 Septembre 2013, 14:33

We have founded the Association of the Forum des Amateurs de Thé to officialize what we'd like to do here. Its soul purpose is to enable money exchanges involved with Special Orders according to french law. The Association has its own bank account, it will be the moral entity which will pay artists and tea professionals, and to which payment will be made by members in return. There is a 3€ annual membership fee to pay for costs such as paying for this forum or other expenses for anyone willing to take part in a tea or ceramic Special Operation.

As far as the french legislation is concerned, an association with no business motives - which is the case here - cannot make any profit. As we wish for a total transparency as far as money is concerned, this legal entity will assure that there is no problem on that front. We cannot insist enough on the fact that we are not a business, we are just tea enthusiast people willing to make other tea enthusiast people happy without any hidden agenda. :)